Tuesday, May 26, 2015

UAE sports at the past

At the past UAE was very poor country, they were doing many activities some of them for living and the others for fun. For living they were doing the diving to get the pearl “lulu” to sell it and fishes as well. On the other hand, for having fun they were doing a lot more the most famous one they call it “shorti and harami” means the police and the criminal basically the police group will chase the criminals group and try to catch them in specific time limit. Also, there is another one which is a bit similar that all the players will hide and one guy only have to catch them all in time limit as well they call it “Alyoreed”. Also, there was challenging in a game called “arabanat alhadeed” in this game the players will take a bike tyre and take off the rubber leave the iron piece only and try to roll it using a stick so, they will see who can hold it and roll it for the longest distance. “The treasure” is a group game the idea of the game is hiding something somewhere and the other players will start to look for it, the guy who hide the thing should draw sample of the place and show them where its hidden the player who will find that will be the winner and he will have to hide for the next round. One of the very famous race here is  the camel race, the camel race at the beginning was dangerous for the racers who ride the camel many of them got injured so, after a while they brought a machine that will do the same process of the racer .and the machine will be control using remote control

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